Troy said the sinner’s prayer when he was 5 years old. He figured, “Mom loves me and Jesus loves me. I trust them. They want me to do this. Why not?” That’s the faith of a child. The kid doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing, but he trusts those that he thinks know better. He thought being a good Christian was the same as being a “good little boy”, and so he was. He had gotten to be quite the arrogant little teachers’ pet. At the age of 12, Troy realized he was being good to earn God’s approval (approval he could not earn since he already owed God everything he had anyway). Troy began taking his relationship with God a bit more seriously and humbly.
Since then, Troy has been growing in his faith. He studied on his own, trying to understand the historical and philosophical reasons to think Christianity is true. He’s been involved with the campus ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, received a Certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University, and completed his M.A. in Philosophy of Religion & Ethics from Talbot Theological Seminary. That is not to say he knows everything. He doesn’t. There’s a lot he doesn’t know, but he’s a lot more familiar with the major issues when it comes to religion and ethics than the average guy, especially those that choose to misrepresent them.
Family: I’ve got one
First job: slinging frozen yogurt
Favorite job: collections
Current job: cog in the machine
Favorite TV show: “Heroes” (season 1)
Favorite current TV show: “The Walking Dead”
Favorite movie: Avengers
Favorite web series: “Critical Role”
Favorite video game: “Batman: Arkham City”
Favorite football team: Green Bay Packers
Favorite baseball team: Anaheim Angels (yes, I’m a bit of a purist)
Favorite basketball team: Who cares?
Favorite hockey team: Irrelevant (the sport, that is)
Favorite soccer team: See comments on basketball and hockey
Favorite book: Byzantium by Stephen Lawhead​